Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Jace is coming soon!!

We had another doctors appointment yesterday. I'm about 70% effaced and dilated to 1cm. WoooHoo!! The doctor doesn't think that I'll make it to my due date which is totally fine with me!
Today, I've been having contractions about every 10 minutes. If this keeps up he could be coming tomorrow!!! Needless to say Bryce and I both are excited! =)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Baby Shower! =)

Some of the presents!

Advice Bowl.

Special "Jace" cupcake!

Boy Hershey Kisses!

The rest of the monkey cupcakes. Cute Idea huh?

Opening one of the many presents.

Bryce only showed up for the presents.
 He liked wearing the bag the best! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One Proud Momma!

Today was my first day of having half days. Woke up at 5:15am like usually. Got to school around 7:15am. Came home from school at 10:15am. Such an easy school day! So much less stress than going to school full time. 
This afternoon I also had my doctors appointment. Doctor says that both Jace and I are doing great. She also thinks that my labor process will be easy and without complications. Thank goodness!! I can tell though that I only have a few weeks left though because he has already started to drop. This causes more back pain and hip discomfort. But, I would go through anything for my baby boy. He may not have been planned but he is a gift from God. I already love Jace with all my heart. I feel more and more like excited each day. Plus, watching Bryce be so excited and already protective of the baby is great! 
At the birthing class tonight we were taught about contractions and relaxation techniques. I learned that I have Braxton Hicks much more often than I realized and that Bryce is going to do great helping me throughout the delivery. We had to do breathing exercises with ice in our hands to represent the discomfort and pain from the contractions. (Not fun at all! My hands hurt so bad from holding the ice!) Our teacher had the dad's coach us and do the breathing exercises with us. Bryce did amazing! He was hands on and focused. He also kept making me laugh which will help me forget about being nervous for the whole labor process. Bryce really proved today that he is going to be the best guy ever! Not just to me but for Jace as well. Jace will be one lucky kid with Bryce as his daddy. =)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Only 5 more weeks left til the big day!

Thursday I had a doctors appointment. Everything is looking good except Jace is measuring two weeks smaller than he should be. I'm not too worried though because I'm a small person so it would be a little weird if I gave birth to a large baby. We're in the last stretch of the pregnancy. I now have doctors appointments weekly. He could come in two weeks and be considered full term or he can torment me and his dad and take up to seven more weeks. As long as he comes healthy, I'm happy!
He loves his nap time and when I rub my belly trying to get him to kick, Jace gets cranky and kicks once and then doesn't for like an hour. He can definitely tell the difference between his mommy and his daddy because he'e not cranky for Bryce. Just me.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Birthing Class Week 1

So last night Bryce and I had our first birthing class. I can now say I'm scared to go into labor. Labor may be long and hard but we'll get the best gift in the end, Baby Jace! =) He is definitely worth it all!
Also, last night we had a little scare. I woke up around 2:30am with bad heartburn and then i felt a contraction. After having 2 in half an hour I texted Bryce, waking him up. I had one contraction about every 15 minutes so I woke my mom up and asked her what I should do. We called the doctor and she said that the contractions were probably triggered by the heartburn but to wait a few hours to see if it continued. Thankfully they did not continue. It was scary thinking that if the contractions continued then Jace could have been here a little too early. But, I had Bryce telling me everything would be okay which made everything so much better.