Wednesday, June 1st, I started having pretty regular contractions about 10 minutes apart. They didn't all hurt but they were super uncomfortable. This lasted Thursday and Friday. Finally Friday evening I decided to call my doctor and ask what I needed to do because these contractions were driving me crazy! The doctor said to come on down to the hospital so we could figure out what was going on. We got there at 10pm. They checked me out and I was dilated to 3cm. Bryce and I were then told to walk around the labor and delivery area for an hour to see if I could dilate more. Which I did! I was 4cm. We officially got admitted into the hospital at around 2am. After that things slowed down a bit. It took me hours to dilate to a 5 or 6cm. The doctors then gave me 3 options. Go home and wait it out till things progressed more, have my IV hooked up to petocin to speed things along, or have my water broken. I decided to have my water broken that way things would speed up the fastest and I could get the labor over and done with. My water was broken at 3:30pm on Saturday. I got my epidural about an hour later. And at 7:37pm Jace Cameron Gorsuch made his entrance into this world. He weighed 6 pounds 13 ounces (same as his mom when he was born!) and he was 18 3/4 inches long. He could not be more perfect! Bryce and I are the luckiest parents ever!

Waiting for things to speed up!
I was soo hungry!
Mommy's two favorite boys!
Aunt Nini grinning from ear to ear!
Momma and Daddy are so proud of our little boy!
Snug as a bug in a rug!
He HATES having his arms wrapped up in his blankets.
Daddy and Aunt Nini getting Jace dressed to go home!
Our little monkey boy!
Ready to take our baby boy home!
He looks so tiny!
3 and a half days old and he's still too small for newborn clothes!